Yosemite Declares End of Fire Season

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YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK–Fire danger has been consistently “low” over the past several days, and more precipitation is forecast. Seasonal firefighters have started to depart, and Helicopter-551 has been released for the season. With these changes, Yosemite Fire managers have declared the Fire Season over as of November 15, 2024.

Helicopter 551 landing for a personnel pick-up. Photo Cred: Firefighter Jen McCarthy

The end of the fire season has made residential pile burning permissible. Conducting this essential fire-hazard reduction activity can only be on permissible burn days. Property owners and residents must follow all burning guidelines. Please reference the image below for a step-by-step guide to safe pile burning.

For more information regarding Fire in Yosemite National Park, check out its website and social media accounts.



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