What is Measure T? It’s Not a New Tax It’s a New Plan |

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Submitted by Madera County Transportation Authority

Madera County voters are being asked to consider the renewal of Measure T as a 20-year ½ cent sales tax to continue to maintain and improve local streets and roads and the overall transportation systems. The 2024 Measure T Expenditure Plan was created following a comprehensive public outreach program that asked residents to identify their priorities for future transportation programs and projects. The plan was developed by the Measure T Steering Committee, which met between October 2023 and April 2024. Four members from each supervisorial district were independently selected based on applications submitted. This plan would have required a 2/3 majority vote to pass.

What is the Citizens Initiative for Measure T?

A group of Madera citizens separately formed a Political Action Committee and submitted a petition with enough signatures to place a virtually identical measure on the ballot as a “citizen” initiative. Under California State law, this lowered the threshold for passage from a 2/3 vote to a simple majority.

The Citizen Initiative’s version of Measure T and its expenditure plan used the exact same language as the Measure T renewal that was developed by the Measure T Steering Committee. However, there was one exception. The original version used by the citizen’s group was circulated prior to the adoption of the final version by the Madera County Transportation Commission sitting as the Madera County Transportation Authority, as well as the County Board of Supervisors, the City of Chowchilla, and the City of Madera. The final version added additional public review opportunities as follows:

Each jurisdiction will annually identify specific streets and roads that will be prioritized for repair and/or refurbishment and hold annual public meetings to review the proposed plan not less than 30 days prior to adoption by the local jurisdiction and the MCTA board.”

While neither the County nor any of the other agencies may amend or change the language of the citizen group’s Initiative Measure T on the ballot at this point, they are all seeking to reaffirm their commitment to additional public review opportunities in the event Measure T is adopted by voters. In this regard, the County and agencies are now in the process of considering resolutions that call for this review period beginning in 2025 for all Measure T expenditures for as long as such revenues are received.

What is in the New Plan?

The renewal of Measure T will:

  • Generate approximately $22 million per year based on ½ cent sales tax for an estimated total of $440 million throughout the measure’s lifetime.
  • Provide 80% revenue for local road repairs and maintenance, evacuation planning, safe routes to schools and bike and pedestrian planning based on each jurisdiction’s needs with 10% set aside for disadvantaged communities.
  • Provide 14.5% for regional projects throughout the County and the Cities of Chowchilla and Madera
  • Double investment in transit services to 4%.
  • Include an Oversight Committee to ensure projects and programs in the Plan are funded and/or completed.
  • Provide greater transparency through enhanced public outreach and involvement to prioritize projects and share how funds were used.

More information can be found at:

Joint News Release re: Citizens Initiative

Measure T Ordinance and Expenditure Plan

Petition Certification

Steering Team Ordinance and Plan

FAQs – Sierra Citizen’s Proposal to Change Board Composition

For additional information visit www.measuret-2024.com


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