Real-Life Story | Harry’s Travel Insurance Claim Experience

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From unique destinations like Spain to old favorites like the US, travellers heading to warmer climates during the Canadian winter should know that provincial healthcare doesn’t cover much when travelling outside of your home province. Rather than relying on credit card coverage, it’s important for travellers to purchase a comprehensive Emergency Medical Travel Insurance plan when abroad, especially in the US, where medical costs add up easily. 

Take Harry*, for example; he was happy to have Emergency Medical coverage when he was hospitalized in Florida. Read on to learn more about Harry’s experience. 

Senior suffers from lack of blood flow in foot while vacationing in Boca Ratan 

Harry, a 70-year-old snowbird, travelled to Boca Ratan, Florida, for his annual winter getaway. But while he was there, he began experiencing aches and swelling in his foot. Harry brushed off the symptoms initially, but as days passed, it soon escalated into a serious concern as neither the pain nor the swelling subsided. 

Harry went to the hospital and doctors realized that Harry’s foot showed no pulse and was cool to touch. An ultrasound confirmed that there was a lack of blood flow in his leg due to Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), which required immediate surgical intervention to prevent amputation. After administering blood thinners, doctors inserted a stent to restore blood flow, a critical intervention that marked the beginning of Harry’s recovery. Harry was discharged from the hospital after five days to recuperate at his vacation home. 

Travel Insurance prevents Harry from spending $326,000+ in medical bills  

Before Harry went away for his extended vacation, he ensured his trip was protected by buying Emergency Medical Insurance. This coverage ended up saving him more than $326,000 in unexpected medical fees. This wise decision paid off massively, and having that insurance allowed Harry to focus on getting well. 

Worried about pre-existing medical conditions affecting your travel insurance coverage? Read Everything You Need to Know about Travel Insurance and Pre-existing Medical Condition Stability 

Harry’s experience is a great example that no matter where you’re headed, comprehensive travel insurance coverage is key to a vacation that won’t break your wallet if something happens. Remember, free or “budget friendly” travel insurance usually isn’t enough wand you should always understand what your emergency medical travel insurance covers. 

Safe travels,

* Based on actual claim with specific traveller details changed to protect privacy. 

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