Fee Changes at Virgin Islands National Park Prompts Request for Comment

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Virgin Islands National Park is proposing an amenity fee increase to offset the costs of maintenance, trash cleanup, replacement of degraded park infrastructure, and the additional park personnel required to address these issues. Implementation of the new fees would go into effect as early as January 1, 2025. 

The park does not charge entrance fees and has not increased amenity fees since 2015.

“The proposed fee increases are necessary for Virgin Islands National Park to improve and maintain high-quality visitor services,” said Superintendent Penny Del Bene. “Expanded amenity fees collected by the park are used to support the rising costs associated with maintaining and operating the park’s various facilities and correspond with customer demand and use.”

The superintendent has been exploring various ways to maintain Virgin Islands National Park at the standard of quality expected from a national park experience, while continuing to provide economic opportunities for the local community and businesses.

Virgin Islands National Park strives to make the visitor experience at the park enjoyable through providing amenities that will benefit current and future generations. The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) authorizes the NPS to collect and retain revenue in the form of entrance and amenity fees. The law allows parks like Virgin Islands National Park to retain 80 percent of the fees collected in the park for use on projects that directly enhance the experience of park visitors. The remaining 20 percent of all collected fees is distributed throughout the National Park System.

The following is a list of the proposed amenity fee increases and new amenity fees:

Trunk Bay Expanded Amenity Fees*
-Individual Day Pass
Current: $5
Proposed: $10
-Interagency Senior Pass
Current: $2.50
Proposed: $5
-Interagency Access Pass
Current: $2.50
Proposed: $5
-Individual Annual Pass
Current: $0
Proposed: $60

*Individual Day or Annual Passes would be required for all individuals 10 years of age or older. Currently Day Passes are required for individuals over 15 years of age.

Daily Parkwide Mooring and Anchorage Expanded Amenity Fees**
-Standard Vessels (vessels less than or equal to 60 ft length overall)
Proposed: $40
-Large Vessels (vessels greater than 60 ft length overall)
Current: $26
Proposed: $60
-Interagency Senior Pass Mooring Standard Vessels:
Current: $13
Proposed: $20
-Interagency Senior Pass Mooring Large Vessels:
Current: $13
Proposed: $30
-Interagency Access Pass Mooring Standard Vessels:
Current: $13
Proposed: $20
-Interagency Access Pass Mooring Large Vessels
Current: $13
Proposed: $30

**Mooring and anchorage fees will be required 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fee would be valid for up to 24-hours. Currently mooring and anchorage fees are required for overnight stays.

New Expanded Amenity Fees

-Proposed Fee Proposed Caneel Bay Parking $10 per day
-National Park Service Finger Pier $1/per foot of the vessel per day
-National Park Service Bulkhead/Dinghy $5/day or $150 per year
-National Park Service Boat Launch $10 per launch/retrieval or $100 per year

The proposed expanded amenity fee increases, and new amenity fee amounts at Virgin Islands National Park are based on the prices of comparable public and private service providers within the Virgin Islands. Comparability studies are conducted to compare rates and amenities to ensure that the National Park Service is not unfairly competing with nearby private businesses or putting them at a disadvantage.

Public Engagement Opportunities 

Virgin Islands National Park will host a public meeting to discuss the proposed increase in expanded amenity fees on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, from 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM. The meeting will be hosted in the new Resource Management and Science (RMS) building conference room at Lind Point. 

Public engagement is an important part of the park’s planning process. Virgin Islands National Park is accepting public comments on the proposed expanded amenity fee increases. Please submit all comments through the park’s Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) site located at: https://parkplanning.nps.gov/VIISExpandedAmenityFees
Comments may also be submitted via mail to: 
Virgin Islands National Park 
Fee Program 
1300 Cruz Bay Creek 
St. John, VI 00830 
Please be advised that your entire comment – including personal identifying information, such as address, phone number, email address, etc. – may be made publicly available at any time. Although you can ask in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee we will be able to do so. 
All public comments on the proposed expanded amenity fee increases will be accepted through October 9, 2024 at 11:59 PM. 

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